Monday, November 24, 2008

Two things that only two select groups of people will appreciate

I met an Austrian guy the other night who not only lived in Victoria long enough to do a Master's thesis at UVic, but also visited Toronto long enough to meet with acquaintance at U of T.

For the Victorians - he lived in Cook St. Village! And when I was describing the location of my parents' house to him, he said, "oh, Craigflower! Like the bus route?"

For the Engscis - we had the following conversation about his day at U of T:

Austrian guy: I was only there for an afternoon, but I'd previously arranged to meet with a professor there who's a bit of a bigshot in my field

Kari: Oh? What do you study?

Austrian guy: Computer Science. The professor seemed really smart, and he sounded excited to meet me in his emails, but when I got there it seemed that he'd completely forgotten about me and scheduled something else instead. It was interesting to meet him though. He's really young for a prof - I think he was 28 or so when I was there.

Kari: Any chance his name was Parham Aarabi?

Austrian guy: ...yeah. I thought you said you studied Aerospace?

Kari: Um, I did, but during the Foundation Years...I mean, I was in this program called...yeah, it's kind of complicated.

Austrian guy: Ok. Say, that guy's a little arrogant, isn't he?

Kari: Just a bit. Did he tell you about how he's building the car from Knight Rider?


Anonymous said...

That is highly unlikely and, as they say, "totes hilare".

Mozglubov said...

What a coincidence, I was just telling people about Aarabi's inappropriate enjoyment of female students dressed in somewhat revealing clothing earlier today. He's a (in)famous.

wisefly said...

I was hoping to have forgotten that bastard forever... you mean to say he hasn't yet been murdered for his money by one of the first-years he's dating?

Kari said...

I think this encounter happened a couple of years ago, so we can still hope.

Anonymous said...

Aarabi is a fucking arabi man. They shouldn't let bastards like him in universities ...

Andrew said...

I had aarabi in first year chem. he was an arrogant a-hole. i don't know about you guys, but I would love to see him get f-ed up the a$$ in prison, the f@%$er failed me for chem.