Monday, November 3, 2008

Sometimes I love my job

For the purposes of your own amusement, consider that my cube-mate Bob speaks with a Cockney brogue, and that all the other lines were delivered in a mix of German and German-accented English.

FACC, Wednesday, 3:30pm

Marian, a lead design engineer prone to wearing colourful t-shirts that are just slightly too tight, stands near the window with a pair of binoculars. All others are seated at their desks.

Marian: Hey, I think that's my girlfriend out there...

Andreas: On the runway?

Marian: Yeah, I think...yes, it's definitely her.

Andreas: Where? Loading that plane over there?

All rise and commence peering out the window

Marian: At first I wasn't sure, but it's definitely her. She works for Lufthansa. Raises binoculars again.

Bob: (quietly) Funny, I didn't see anyone with a white cane.

Kari: snickers

Andreas, Marian, all Austrians within earshot: What?

Kari: (realizing no one else understood the joke) guffaws

Bob: Oh...because a blind person would carry a white cane, and I figured she'd have to be blind to...nevermind.

Andreas: (catching on) Ha! She cannot see! Commences hilariously inappropriate imitation of a (seemingly hunchbacked) blind person walking with a cane

Marian: (looking indignant) Of course she can see. She's a flight attendant.

All but Marian: raucous laughter

20 minutes later...

Ernst, Lead Stress Engineer (and my boss), approaches

Ernst: Bob, what was going on before? I heard you all laughing.

Bob: Oh, nothing really. Marian saw his girlfriend working out on the runway.

Ernst: ...Marian's girlfriend is a dental hygenist.

Kari, Bob: raucous laughter

Ernst: What?

1 comment:

Scott said...

I'm afraid I don't get it =/