Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Four years ago

Four years ago, I was sitting on Deniz's bed in UC, burning myself on overheated transistors, writing a design proposal that was neither realistic nor accurate, and cursing as we watched a sea of red expand across the continental United States on CNN.com.

Tonight, it is 4:13am, and I have just returned home from a bar where a hundred ecstatic, travelling Democrats remain, drinking cider and wine spritzers because the beer has run out, and cheering on their guy with voices that are already hoarse.

CNN.com currently projects 207 electoral votes for Obama, not including California, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, or Florida. There is a strong Democratic Senate majority. Elizabeth Dole lost. I am going to bed. 2008 wins.


Mozglubov said...

Haha, I was reminiscing about the exact same thing... http://mozglubov.blogspot.com/2008/11/this-time-four-years-ago.html

Yay for unhappy memories! Was it our design proposal? That's what I thought, but I also remembered circuitry and burning, so I figured it had to be the motor or PIC assignment...

Kari said...

I'm pretty sure it was the proposal - maybe the burning sensation is just a false memory (or maybe it was a physical manifestation of our intellectual and emotional pain).

I think you can stop worrying - the fat lady hasn't sung yet, but she's backstage warming up. I wish I could be back home to witness this with you guys, but at least I'm enjoying it, and I hope you are too! And now I really am going to bed.

Unknown said...

Ah yes...worse night ever! I remember Kim and my only contribution was to call the pole thing on our project "the mast" until it was vetoed by you-know-who.

Needless to say, the outcome of last night has been far better! (Except for Prop 8, but we always knew Californians were insane)

Kim said...

I remembered going to one of the Innis TV rooms to check CNN, and being baffled and angered by the "sea of red", but I had forgotten the acuteness of design that evening as well...

I must say, I thought Prop 8 wasn't going to pass, and was quite disappointed this morning - this was compounded by looking over the other ballot measures that passed :S

wisefly said...

And I was to ignorant to know what red meant at that point. And who's you-know-who?