Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Three cheers for public broadcasting

I was wearing my CBC shirt on the way home from work today, when an ex-Montrealer and retired VP of Kraft approached me and struck up a conversation. Turns out he's been living in Vienna for 11 years. I never thought I'd discuss the Hockey Night in Canada theme song on my way between the Wien Mitte CAT platform and the U4 underground line, but there you go. CBC merch: more subtle than maple leaves, more late-July-appropriate than a red and white toque.

In other news, I am still alive and still in Vienna. My phone works, my visa has been approved, I have a PIN from the bank, my finger is still broken, and I survived a weekend of Gaelic football and drinking with the Irish (lessons learned: "savage craic" is a good thing; drinking Guinness and then failing to sleep before playing three games of football is not).

Hopefully I will add some substantive information before a hiking trip this weekend, but if not, I hope you're all enjoying the sunshine.

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