Monday, August 11, 2008

"It's being-first-woman-President good."

Be it resolved that I have failed at all blog-related aspects of my life. I've reached the point where there is so much to talk about that I don't have time to begin, and so I will talk about other, less interesting things instead.

I've spent the last 5 weekends travelling throughout Austria and to several other countries with a motely crew of scientists and engineers - mostly European, mostly dudes. I'm having a blast, but occasionally (perhaps every three weeks or so), one tires of fart jokes, drinking games, and "you really play soccer? Like, on a team?"

Maybe that's why I found this so funny, though I'm pretty sure I still would have laughed if I'd watched it from Girl Guide camp. See also: the same comedian's take on Botox, wedding shows, and making dinner.

Ah, intelligent, non-whinging, feminist humour, how I love thee. And now, back to my regular schedule of beer bongs and doing your mom.


Unknown said...

Which is one reason I'm glad I'm not still in engineering...

Of course, allowances can be made for the more attractive yo-mamma jokers (I mean, we can pretend that they're being deliciously ironic, can't we?)

Mozglubov said...

You missed September... is there going to be at least one post in October?