Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting my Carmen Sandiego on (an explanation)

Okay, so. I'm back in Toronto for two more days, after which time I will set off to Austria to live the exciting life of an intercontinental aerospace engineer. For those of you who weren't aware, what follows is a brief summary of my May and June. For those of you whom I've lived with, traveled with, or forced to listen to endless series of plans and recaps, consider it a pleasant, none too taxing, pictoral recap. Or don't read it at all and go check out this guy, who has actually traveled the world and has stolen no major historical monuments (that I'm aware of).

School ended as April did - messily and not as soon as I'd hoped (also, at the same time). Shortly afterward, I headed to Quebec, to meet my sister. The city looked like this:

Cannons and history abounded, and I practiced my abysmally rusty French with my sister, who looked like this:

From there, it was on directly to Nova Scotia, by way of train, bus and automobile. After road encounters with Senior Teenyboppers, Angry Frenchmen, Annoying Schoolchildren, an Acadian Lothario/Wannabe, and the Friendliest Haligonian Ever, I discovered that Antigonish county looks like this:

while Halifax looks like this:

and this:

Back to Toronto, then, for about a week, during which I caught and recovered from a cold, received final confirmation of my job in Austria (way to be on the ball, IAESTE!), moved out of my house, and packed for Cuba, which looked like this:



and, most importantly, like this:

Then back to Toronto for graduation:
and, the next day, back to Victoria, which looks much the same as it always does, only with more condos.

This summer, hands down, wins: most kilometres traveled, most dolphins swum with, most rum punch drunk, most lobster eaten, most non-school related sleep lost, most diplomas earned, most German learned, and is in serious contention for most good times. More from Vienna, if and when I arrive. I promise I'll actually write something next time.


peacebewithyou said...

You're one crazy pumpkin. Nice photo-essay. Except you didn't put a picture of me re-enacting Dead General on the Plains of Abraham.

wisefly said...

That Matt guy must have someone else travelling with him... I really wish I could be in the videos I take without having to trust stranges to hold my camera...

wisefly said...

Oh wait, maybe he does trust the locals

Kari said...

Maybe he has a crappy camera? Actually, his trip was sponsored by someone, so perhaps they paid for a cameraman.

Ali: I thought you'd get mad like you did when I posted our unflattering Italy pictures. No longer!