Monday, April 21, 2008

A manifesto I can get behind

I spent about half an hour this morning (right before I set off to study for tomorrow's Aeroelasticity exam) perusing video of old Heritage Minutes. Their awesomeness is well and deservedly known, but I thank/blame this gut-bustingly hilarious lady for reintroducing me to them.

Anyway, the amusing (and educational!) Minute on Nellie McClung includes, in the mini-bio below the video clip, a frighteningly apt description of the kind of person I one day hope to become:
McClung calmed these fears with reasonable discussion, personal charm, irrepressible humour, and her fanciful hats.
"Ms. McClung, you are an irresistable combination of reason and charm! How is it that someone so steady-minded could have such exquisite taste in haberdashery?"

"I believe you forgot to mention my razor-sharp wit. Now excuse me while I single-handedly bring about women's suffrage in Canada. Suck it, Rodmond Roblin!"

Sweet. Also, Rodmond is a fantastic name.

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